27 November 2007

I took the plunge!

Well I did it people!  I went ahead and ordered the N810.  I had been waffling a bit between getting that or the N800 and a keyboard plus some goodies.  This is a graduation present I'm buying for myself, so I figured I'd splurge a little bit.  I guess I'm naturally given to splurging anyway...

Ordered from Provantage.com as most everyone I have read with comments about them say they are a good company to deal with.  Also, it didn't cost just short of $500 + shipping.  Even paying for shipping it cost me $417.21USD.  Okay, so a little pricey for a guy that doesn't technically have a job yet, but I'm confident I will have one and I'm hoping it shows up before I graduate or, at the very least, soon after.

Here are some YouTube vids:

There are others of course, these are the ones I liked more.  They give you a sense of the size of the tablet and how it performs in actual use.  

Also, if you're interested, hop on over to tabletblog.com and check out what Thoughtfix has to say on it.  Lots of articles there and links to other sites for further information.

25 November 2007


Bit of cheat that one.  I just made the blog; no one knows it exists.  Of course I am first.  Still, I thought it humorous to continue such a fine forum tradition.  I never really understood why it is that people felt the need to be first...so, this is a race now?  You win faceles avatared internet personage, you win.  I am not as hyperkinetic as you and hence was not nearly as quick to type six characters and punch the reply button.

Anyway, I'll probably just delete this post later anyway.  It's my beginning into the blog arena.  Blarena if you will, or perhaps even aneragolb if you have a habit of reversing things.