29 October 2008

Photo time!


Fingers crossed :)

PS - Had to doctor up the code photrade.com gave me. Apparently Blogger doesn't like CSS coding.

16 October 2008

A strange decision

At about 2:00pm today I got out of class after drawing some lines and tracing over them on a second sheet, and headed over to HR because I found some paperwork that I was supposed to turn back in to them some time ago. It took me about 15 minutes to take care of all of that, leaving me just enough time to see my bus cruise by before I could haul booty up to the stop. I checked the time charts and saw that it was going to be a very long time for the next bus to show up, something on the order of 50 minutes or so. I didn't care to sit down that long, so I walked up the street a good ways to where they have an electronic board that updates you on how long it will be before the buses that service that site get there. So I stop, read the clunky L.E.D. display (which could be better designed for readability in sunlight), and find that the next bus won't be for another 30 minutes. So, what did I do?

Heh, I decided to walk home.

All the way down MLK. I think it took me about 40 minutes to accomplish. After some time of letting my neck roast in the sun I decided to pop my collar. What can I say, I'm late to fashion trends. A while later I got tired of walking on the sunny side of the road, so I crossed over and enjoyed shade for the majority of my remaining trek. I got bored after about 25 minutes, so I started taking some pictures. I don't know if I care to share them here on the interpipes, but we'll see. They're not anything Ansel would be impressed with, but they kept me interested.

I drank a good bit of water when I got back, showered, and drank some more water. Here I sit, pleased as punch at having accomplished it. I don't believe I ever enjoyed a runners' high...maybe a walkers' chemical equivalent is more of a middle.

15 October 2008

Pictures reviewed !!!

So, two out of five ended up not getting booed, with one being very well liked and one mostly liked. Ironically, I had incorporated some of the suggestions for the conditional photo, but then removed them because I didn't like how they shifted the focus. All in all better then expected, especially after the first picture :). (as I recall the words were "I ****ing hate it")

Good stuff really. I prefer a little gruffness, shows he actually likes what he likes rather than just mouthing the words.

Have a great day folks!

14 October 2008

Early birds get the worms

We all need some direction sometimes, tips and comments about our endeavours. It seems as though I reached that point and maybe found a mentor. Wait and see...

Looks like I need to gather together my best photos.

09 October 2008

Peep this peeps

So, I made a purchase recently. I posted a while ago about how I had bought an N800 tablet. I still like it quite a bit, it allows me to make quick lists for when I go shopping, work on little personal writing projects, and make use of those unexpected short blocks of time for checking email or other quick online business. If I had a data plan on my phone, perhaps I would use it more often. As it is I have to be at a spot that has free wi-fi access or wi-fi that I have access to.

So what did I buy? I bought an asus 701 surf eee pc. It's basically a very small laptop. The screen is a lot larger than the one on the tablet, which although it has the exact same resolution, is a lot easier on the eyes. It has a keyboard built in. So it's easier to type in some written work than on the tablet. Of course, I do have a bluetooth keyboard for the tablet. It adds to the overall bulk of the setup, but it's not anymore difficult to carry around than the eee. And with the keyboard not being attached to the tablet, I can make it that much more portable when I need to.

So, originally I had intended to evaluate which one I liked better and sell the not so good one. So far it's kind of a toss up. The battery life is better on the tablet I believe. But the eee is more useful for every day tasks.


*Edit* Who knew you could start EVERY paragraph of a post with the word 'so'?

01 October 2008