What kind of wonderfully rigged up contraption is this?!?!? Hurdy Gurdy ftw I think. Spinning that handle has got to get old
20 November 2009
13 July 2009
The Weepies - Can't Go Back Now
MMmm Weepies. Check them out, they are great. Deb is maybe a little better, just my personal opinion
06 May 2009
A different take on using the MLR max patch. COMMODORE 4 LYFE! Or something. I wonder, will any modern computer be as long lived, in the sense of underground cultism, as the C64? I doubt it.
Video is a little dull in the beginning, lots of technical talk. Which would be useful if you want to replicate this achievement. I do not. But the music is cool further in, starting at around 2:10 minutes.
26 April 2009
Handmade Music 4-16-09
Such weird little boxes of bits; some of them interested me though. There is so much that is interesting in the world, how will any of us try all of it? Perhaps, as they say, the effort must be in the attempt. And hopefully through our efforts some joy :)
24 March 2009
18 March 2009
14 March 2009
HAPI Drum Demo(For Players of Hang, Tank, Hank, Tongue Drum)
Sim-u-lahr to a Hang drum, but a different design and sound. Groovy
12 March 2009
KORG DS-10 : Nintendo DS Software Synthesizer - synchronized play
Groovy groove :) I wonder if this counts as a chip tune....I somehow doubt it, but the spirit is right
13 February 2009
Warehouse Robots at Work
Groovy little robots. I wonder when they'll pop up as big news...or if they did and I missed it already :)