22 December 2007

personal post

Today we hit a deer on the way to our yearly family christmas party. Looks like the little bugger did about $3500 dollars worth of damage to my car. Of course, the deer ended up dead so I think we got the better end of the deal. I was asleep at the time so I can't really say for sure how it happened; dad tells us some fool of a deer leaped out a cove of woods and right into the car. Luckily I was the only one injured in any way. According to the P.A. that saw me I have some spasmed muscles to tend to. A few xrays, two minor prescriptions and about 20 minutes later I was back on the way to the Christmas party.

It was really a great party and I am glad we were still able to go. There were several looking back events that I enjoyed very much, including a touching story my mom wrote about the Santa Clause and Mrs. Clause that used to come and hand out presents to everybody. Also included was a video montage that my aunt put together from videos she had taken during these events going back as far as 1986 I believe..maybe it was '87. It was a real treat to see what we all used to look like. After that we watched a slideshow of pictures taken at my cousins wedding, which enjoyed a good deal having been unable to attend the ceremony myself.

All in all a great night. Now if I could just get my back to stop hurting...

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