15 January 2008

Robots and music

I honestly don't recall what it was on Youtube that started this line of viewing, but I came across some interesting robot fight videos after seeing some interesting work with Lego's new Mind Storm toy (learning apparatus?).  Here is a sample of what I saw:

That's one tough little guy.
Anyone remember Battle Bots?  Because it was pretty much awesomebajawsome.  (Note: Awesomebajawsome is not actually a word.)

I found a few others, including some clips of Robot Jox.  Yeah, there's a movie I'm sure most of you haven't seen or even heard of before.  Don't lie, you didn't even know it was a movie.  Classic film really, I see it going down....well, yeah.

In case you are interested, here are a few clips of the Lego Mind Storm videos that started me off on my YT bonanza:

Clip1 and

That second clip is a crazy one.  Someone built a little (relatively) lego car manufacturing plant. Kind of a slow video, but fascinating I thought.

--Robots in music as well--

Well, at least as far as the creation of it goes.  I decided that today I would watch some Daft Punk videos.  So I typed in Daft Punk and saw some of their music videos.  I also came across some weird phenomenon whereby some people have written on themselves...a lot, and choreographed movements and/or a dance in order to present their body lyrics in time with Daft Punk music.  So far I've seen a few whole body clips (to the same song it would seem) and a few hand/finger clips.  You Daft Punk fans are an interesting bunch.  Here's a few clips, and N.B., the body one is probably NSFW.  

Body lyrics to Harder, Better, Faster Stronger.
Confusing fingers interpretation of Technologic.

Who needs network television and it's writers when we such entertaining stuff on YouTube?  Later on interwebbers.

PS - I found a clip of a show at the Cat's Cradle that I saw in person!!!!  GRAND BUFFET SON!  It's not weird if your cool about it.

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